



What can you expect from a Tarot Reading with me? 

- I offer detailed answers to your specific questions. 

- We can do a general reading to begin, or we can go straight to asking any  specific questions you may have.

- The topic can be Love, Career, A message from Spirit etc. Usually we will have time to address all of these subjects in a session, although an hour's appointment would be advisable if you need in-depth in every subject.  

* Why 156? 

I have chosen to use the numbers 156 in my name as it is the numerical value of the name of the Goddess, Babalon in Gematria. In Nomine Babalon. Queen Of Heaven, Queen Of The Stars, The Mother Of Harlots, The Scarlett Goddess, The Great Mother, The Holy Whore, Queen of a thousand names ✨

* What is your success rate with magick? 

- I only offer magickal work that I have already thoroughly tried and tested beforehand and my success rate is very high. 

No magick work is 100% guaranteed (if anyone tells you that, they are a liar and likely a scam artist.) However, I am very experienced and very confident and my success rate reflects that. 

* Why aren't there more Group Rituals available?

Two reasons-

- I work in accordance to the Lunar phases and Planetary timings for maximum results, therefore limiting the amount of appropriate days/nights  it can be carried out. 

- I only add a new Ritual once I have repeatedly tried & tested it beforehand. I won't offer anything that I feel isn't quite powerful or effective enough, I'm a perfectionist and take pride in my work.


* Can I book you for Curses, Hexes & Darkwork?

 - I'm not currently taking any bookings for the above. It's not because I am morally opposed or anything like that (if it's truly deserved and never towards children or the innocent) 

I'm also not Wiccan so therefore don't adhere to 'the rule of 3' (What you send out comes back to you x 3) so In my personal life I have cursed and hexed when it is has been necessary or truly deserved and I'm very confident in my abilities in that area, however i don't feel I want to offer it as a service at this time. I will be adding a Binding & Banishing ritual to my site very soon, but probably not cursing & hexing.